Monday, July 30, 2012

Aliens are coming.

Hello Blog. It's been awhile. Please don't feel neglected. It's really not you. I've just been busy. And every time I've gotten on to make a post, I've either been distracted, or come up with NOTHING to put up. But, today I decided to finally make a post So here I am!


Let me tell you what we know about Stonehenge:

Shrouded in mystery, stonehenge is an ancient and mysterious (obviously) structure, that was built probably sometime in the past. A very very long time ago. Nobody is really completely sure what it's purpose was. But it probably had to do with some pagan druid worship. Maybe.

I know that this is all very confusing. But I'm going to confuse you more. Stonehenge was really built by the aliens. And in December of 2012, it's going to become a magical portal and summon down the aliens again. You should be excited, to live in such a momentous time.

Have a great day!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Let's go find it.

If you could close your eyes, and open them again in any place in the whole world, doing anything you want, where would you be and what would you be doing?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

It's Independence day!

236 years ago, a declaration was read to a group of people in Philadelphia. It was a declaration that put into words what men had already begun dying for. It said no to unfair taxation and unjust oppression. It was a document that was treasonous, rebellious, and dangerous. It became a launching pad for an idea: an American Dream. The freedom for any man, no matter whom they are, to achieve their goals if they work hard enough. When Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, each word had to be perfect. It was the first act of our country. It would not only change the country, but it would sweep across the entire world, unseating England as the world power, altering France, and changing the way the entire world thought. Today we are not only celebrating America's freedom from England, but we are celebrating the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the freedom to try, and succeed. 236 years ago, a groups of colonials walked into Philadelphia's Independence Square. They would leave as the American people.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Solar Storm

On September 1st, of 1859, the sun let out the largest solar flare ever recorded. This super-flare traveled to the earth in 17 hours, and created many unique phenomena. The Solar flare created a geomagnetic storm which effected the Northern Lights, which were so bright and brilliant they could be seen all the way down in the Caribbean. Several telegraph machines stopped working all together, but others kept working, even when disconnected from their batteries. This was the largest recorded solar flare known to man.

Well, there was a recent solar flare that will be hitting earth on July 4th. It could effect the northern lights, but it's nothing like the storm of 1859. I would LOVE to drop everything, and drive as North as we can get by July 4th. But, I don't think that will happen. :)