Thursday, April 26, 2012

Deserts, Desserts, and Procrastination

Here's what I do:
Write a blog post when I should be studying Math, but justify it by saying that it is creative writing.

Here's what I need you to do:
Tell me if my writing isn't creative enough. If I'm going to pretend that blogging is a school subject, you may as well tell me when I'm doing it wrong. :)

The Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the world. Comparable to China, or the United States, it is parched, incredibly hot, and one of the most extreme places on earth. Touching 12 countries, the landscape is chiefly sculpted by the wind, though there are a few volcanic mountains rising up to 600 feet. Containing one of the harshest climates in the world, dust devils and sand storms are common in the desert. The temperatures gets as hot as 135.5 degrees Fahrenheit, and only a average of 3 inches of rain falls every year. Camels, scorpions, goats, foxes, antelope, gazelle, cheetahs, and lizards are some of the many animals that populate the desert, some of which can go a whole year without any water. Very little plants grow, but some small shrubs and trees and cacti do. Scientist say that the desert shrinks and grows, and right now is on a growing trend.

The landscape is unforgiving, the sea of sand dunes stretching on forever. The sun is scorching hot, the air tastes of dust. When the wind grows strong, a blinding sand storm will rise up like a wall. Eyes are always seeing a oasis of water, only to have it disappear the closer they get. And then, only sand is seen, stretching on for hundreds of miles.

Side note: Do not confuse the spelling of Desert: A dry waste land, with Dessert: A tasty food usually eaten after a meal. Often contains chocolate.

Once we were at a wedding, and at the bottom of the program, we were invited to join them in a Desert Reception. Unfortunately, they didn't fly us all to a warmer climate. They just gave us chocolaty foods.

P.S. Speaking of desserts, check out this blog:

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Pioneer Poem (kind of)

Close your eyes, and listen.
Push past the sound of moving cars
and people
voicing their cares and worries
get past the sounds that we have
filled this place with
listen to the land itself
the way it rustles
the way it moves
Just by hearing, you can catch
the beauty of a place
and only by listening
can you somehow grasp
in the smallest way
how this country is free
and free
Can you hear their gasps
as the settlers first see our mountain?
They are tired and weary
they have buried their fathers and their mother
their children, the sisters
their brothers
along a trail of sweat and tears
and now they see
a monument
a grave stone
a glory
The Mountain gives them hope
Can you still hear the way the land
pushed against them
the magnificent trees
the wild rivers
but it stilled called to them
because it was free
Can you hear them?
The way they persevered
still drudging through a constant mist of rain
they did not give up
they did not give in
Listen for their cries
when they are scared
listen to their fear
they are hiding from the indians
blood was spilt on this land
Can you hear their victory?
It was not one singular moment
but a string of little and great ones
when we became
Washington Territory
when they created peace
with the indians
when they built their first home
on this wild land
You can still hear the call of the land
it holds in itself
the secrets of those who first settled here
with sweat, tears, and blood.
All to tame a little bit of this
wild and free place
It was a special breed of people
who answered the call
You can hear this all
if you just

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Dear Everyone,
Today is a very good day. I'm not quite sure why. But I think it has to do with:
Eating really good oatmeal for breakfast
Having really good hot chocolate after breakfast
Already being done with my math
Getting ready to teach my last lesson in biology to my younger siblings
And, I had my first day of work yesterday, and it went quite well!!!
And, I'm working again today.

Dear Everyone,
I hope you have a good day too.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Marble Caves, Chile Chico, Chile

Hello everyone!! How are you doing this week? I've been pretty busy, finishing up school, starting my first job EVER, and, trying to move. We're moving. To a house just down the road. But still, that means the next 42 days are going to be very busy, and full of cleaning and packing.

Anyways, I'm sorry it took me so long to finally put up a post. But, here is my first place. The Marble Caves in Chile Chico, Chile.

Lake General Carrera, which houses these caves is the biggest lake in Chile, and the fourth largest in Argentina. Lake General Carrera is surrounded by the Andes Mountain range, and drains to the Pacific Ocean through the Baker River to its west.

The Caves are in the center of the lake, and are comprised of caverns, columns, and tunnels formed into monoliths of marble.

From the outside . . . 
One of these is called the Marble Cathedral, and the other the Marble Chapel, but I'm not sure which is which . . .


Well, there it is . . .  A little bit of the beauty on this earth that you probably NEVER knew existed! Needless to say, we have a amazing Creator.

Have a lovely week everyone!!!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Welcome to my new blog! Recently, I've been contemplating places that I want to go, things I want to see, and beautiful things that inspire me. So I'm going to try and put up 100 places and things that are fascinating, awe inspiring, and reflecting of the glory of God.

I debated back and forth onto whether or not I should name this blog Aurora Borealis, or something more about seeing places, and traveling. But lately, I've been OBSESSED with the Northern Lights, so I think I'll stick with this.

When I think of traveling, and places that seem to fascinate me, it's usually wide, open spaces, gorgeous views, incredible mountains, phenomenon's of nature. So there may be a lot of that on this blog.

Though I do need to learn how to put pictures on a post. :)

Have a lovely rest of your Sunday!
